Current Projects

Current Projects

Neurostatus-UHB grew out of an academic research group part of the University Hospital Basel and remains active in scientific research in line with its mission to develop innovative solutions to improve the reliability of clinical data in neurological disorders. We have a strong relationship to the University Hospital Basel Department of Neurology, Research Centre for Clinical Neuroimmunology and Neuroscience ( RC2NB) , University of Basel Department of Biomedical Engineering (DBE) and Department for Clinical Research (DKF) and the Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW) in Muttenz.

Neurostatus-UHB is therefore involved in various research projects and scientific collaborations focusing primarily on the capture and quantification of clinical symptoms of neurological disorders and beyond.

Please contact us with any research or collaboration proposals and ideas!

Currently ongoing projects are:


Neurostatus-SMARTCARE, a collaboration with RC2NB and Novartis Pharma AG, Basel. The study aims to reduce and smooth some of the disparities in accessing MS healthcare (clinical trial setting) by increasing the number of Non-Neurologist Health Care Professionals (HCPs) licensed to perform the Neurostatus-(e)EDSS. It combines a new Neurostatus-EDSS training for HCPs with telemedicine. The study is completed and the first publication is in draft.

Academic Neurostatus-eEDSSa

Academic Neurostatus-eEDSSa, a collaboration with RC2NB and the ICT of the UHB. It aims to provide the algorithm-based automated quantification of complete Neurostatus-EDSS assessment in clinical routine and / or academic studies. Currently it is used to validate RC2NB’s DreaMS app and is about to be integrated into the MS-centre of the University Hospital Basel.

Analysis of more than 100.000 complete Neurostatus-EDSS assessments.

Analysis of more than 100.000 complete Neurostatus-EDSS assessments.This analysis aims to provide a better insight and understanding of early progression in MS, and potentially new aspects of the underlying clinical pathophysiology.

The project is a collaboration with the Department of Biomedical Engineering, University Hospital Basel.


Neurostatus-EDSS-light. Arising out of to the analysis mentioned above, this version of the Neurostatus-EDSS aims to provide a more comprehensive but shorter assessment for use in clinical routine and private practice outside of randomised controlled trials (RCTs).

Validation of software as a medical device

Validation of software as a medical device. The FDA just released the new Quality Management System Regulation (QMSR), and Neurostatus-UHB is on its way to transfer our experience in validation (e.g. according to ISO 13485) into research and business projects.