Certification Platform

Neurostatus.net is the Neurostatus-EDSS interactive e-Test and certification platform, which supports clinical and academic trials.

It provides:

  • Study administrators access to manage Neurostatus-EDSS certifications per study

  • Raters (i.e. those health professionals carrying out the Neurostatus-EDSS assessments) access to the e-test for Neurostatus-EDSS certification

Please note that no clinical data is collected, processed or stored locally within Neurostatus-net

Sample Training and Scoring Materials

Neurostatus-EDSS Scoring Form

The scoring form records the Neurostatus-EDSS assessments (EDSS score, FSS and AS).

Neurostatus-EDSS Definitions Booklet

The Definitions Booklet is the Neurostatus-EDSS scoring manual. It is an essential tool for preparing for certification, and can be used during the e-Test. It is pocket-sized, for ease of reference and use during patient assessments.

Neurostatus-EDSS Scoring Tables

Tables to assist the rates in their assessments:

  • Neurostatus-EDSS Scoring Table© is a distinctive visual description of the Neurostatus-EDSS Definitions
  • Neurostatus Visual Functional System Scoring Table©

Free Practice Test

In order to help raters prepare for the Neurostatus e-Test, Neurostatus has developed a free practice test. It does not contain the same questions as the official Neurostatus e-Test, but can assist in confirming the rater’s understanding of the subject matter. It is free of charge and can be taken an unlimited number of times.

FAQs and Support

Instructions for both Study Administrators and for Investigators

Please see support-neurostatus.net for all our relevant FAQs.

If you are having any issues that are not resolved in either the instructions manual or the FAQs, you can address queries to:

Technical/ IT questions:  neurostatus-support@usb.ch

Operational support: neurostatus-uhbs@usb.ch